Housed in the former 17th-century convent of the Jacobines, the Musée de Semur-en-Auxois displays exceptional collections in their original museography. Following the revolution, the building was disused and then reinvested in 1833, at the instigation of Sub-Prefect Larribe, who suggested that a school of Drawing, Sculpture and Architecture be set up there.
To support the school's teaching, painted and sculpted works were collected from donations. With the aim of developing popular education, the nascent collection was opened to the public.
In 1836, the town council decided to create a museum which, thanks to the ongoing support of Sub-Prefect Larribe and Deputy Vatout, saw its collections enriched by donations from artists. One of them, the sculptor Augustin Dumont, bequeathed part of his studio collection to the town of Semur in 1884. Among the original models donated by Dumont was the plaster cast of the statue of the Genius of Liberty surmounting the Colonne de Juillet on the Place de la Bastille in Paris.
The museum was fitted out in successive stages: in 1864, 2 exhibition rooms were created on the 2nd floor, one of which, with overhead lighting, became the Fine Arts Gallery, and in 1866 the 1st floor was specially refurbished to house the palaeontology and geology collections deposited by three enthusiastic members of the Semur Science Society, Mrs Collenot, Bréon and Bochard. In the spirit of a cabinet of curiosities, an area dedicated to zoology was also created.
All these examples illustrate the richness and diversity of this museum, one of the only ones in France to offer visitors the chance to discover original collections in a preserved 19th-century museography.
> PALEONTOLOGY AND GEOLOGY: The palaeontology and geology gallery contains more than 10,000 specimens that help to define the Sinemurian stage (Jurassic), the stratum of which can be seen in the museum's collections.
(Jurassic) stage, the stratotype of which is at Semur-en-Auxois. It retains a unique charm, reflecting the encyclopaedic spirit of the 19th century.
> ZOOLOGY: A zoology room featuring shells, fish and naturalised animals, offering a panorama of local fauna and more exotic lands, is a veritable cabinet of curiosities.
> ARCHAEOLOGY: The archaeology room features Palaeolithic, Neolithic, Gallo-Roman and Merovingian artefacts, including ex-votos (mainly from the Sources de la Seine), statuettes, weapons, tools, crockery, glassware, jewellery, ceramics and architectural decorations.
> PAINTINGS: The medieval mural painting of St Christopher's and a collection of paintings from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries spread across the different levels of the museum. The Galerie des Beaux-Arts on the 2nd floor features works by Vignon, Bouhot, Nesles and Boulanger, as well as 3 paintings by Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot.
> SCULPTURE: A collection of original 19th century plaster casts (by A. Dumont, Dampt, etc.), as well as medieval and Renaissance architecture and decorative elements from the houses and convents of Semur-en-Auxois and its collegiate church, enhance the rooms of the museum.
> MANTEL PANELS: In 1970, collector Edmé Huchon donated a collection of 79 mantel panels, known as taques, to the Musée de Semur. Their decorations and shapes provide information about who commissioned them and when they were made (15th to 19th centuries).
Like a large cabinet of curiosities, the Musée de Semur-en-Auxois provides children with the tools they need to enjoy a visit that's right for them. In each of the collections on display, there are discovery trunks that appeal to all the senses, and contain educational information, games and accessories to help them understand the works, as well as information on how a museum works and its various roles, in order to raise awareness among young visitors of the importance of preserving and passing on our heritage. Workshops are offered for children aged 5 to 13 during the school holidays. To satisfy their curiosity and enrich their knowledge, the museum shop has a range of books and fun items.
The museum shop and bookshop offers a selection of books and objects to enhance your visit.
All year round, the Musée de Semur-en-Auxois develops a programme designed to satisfy all kinds of visitors: self-guided or guided tours (for individuals and groups of 4 or more), themed tours, temporary exhibitions, educational workshops, lectures and concerts.
Reservations required for groups (self-guided and guided tours) and for individuals wishing a guided tour.